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12/03/2021 20:56


Walking around the neighborhoods , monte di procida , neighborhoods , chapel ,








4.5 Cappella

The district of Cappella rises at the foot of the "Coasts" of the Mount. With rural vocation, this place belonged to the Benedictine Abbey of Santa Maria a Cappella, located in Naples. It was a grange, that is a place of agricultural production at the service of the monks. The town rises around the Church of Santa Maria del Buon Consiglio, founded at the end of the 19th century, and insists on the street called Via Cappella which, from the Middle Ages onwards, served the function of connecting the promontory to Pozzuoli and which runs along a part of the ancient Roman road axis that connected the military port of Miseno with Cuma. On the road it insists the Roman necropolis.

Some official acts of the 17th century already define the district with the name Cappella (lit. chapel). But the stable housing nucleus was born only in the 19th century, located between the swamp of Lake Fusaro and the swamp of Lake Maremorto, marshy areas. During the Bourbon Era the area was reclaimed and only then Cappella became a town, the Casale. “Casale” etymologically means set of houses, or of rustic grounds related to them. Its peasant origin is still appreciated today, especially for the aggregation of houses and alleys, once crossed daily by women struggling with rural jobs.

The Necropolis

The Necropolis of the Cappella is part of a series of mausoleums that were built on the road that connected the port of Miseno with Cuma. It is the necropolis of the Preatoria Classis Misenensis that is the military fleet of Miseno. The study of the Necropolis allowed the reconstruction of information about the lives of soldiers. Inside it there are two frescoes, one of which is among the few in the world to depict the Greek deity Selene, "eternal sleep guard". It presents various types of burial, from incineration to burial, a mirror of the cultural changes of the Roman community.