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Abbasci a' vit

12/03/2021 20:20


Walking around the neighborhoods , neighborhoods , monte di procida , abbasci a vit ,

Abbasci a' vit

Abbasci a' vit




Abbasci a' vit




Monte di Procida, being in the Phlegraean Fields, is not immune to the volcanic "frenzy" of this territory. The chronicles of 1488 talk about a violent earthquake that will change forever the orography of the coast. In particular, the area of Casevecchie, that constituted the natural landing place of the very first community, lost it sunk in the sea and San Martino became an island. The peasant-sailors had to find another point that would allow an easy landing. Monte di Procida was entrusted by the Church of Naples, as early as the 10th century, to religious bodies, such as the Benedictine abbey of San Martino, the archbishop’s table and the abbey of Santa Maria ad Cappella.

Probably also Procida was entrusted to the Benedictines. It was in the 15th century that the care of the lands of the now ruined abbey of San Martino, were entrusted to that of Procida. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the religious bodies provided for the cultivation of the promontory. Many experienced peasants from Procida began their agricultural activity as commuters and then settled on the promontory.

In the area called "Abbasci â vit" there is the Cavone (lit. the great quarry), a term used by farmers of Procida to indicate an area of the Mount, highly eroded by rainwater that flows there, yesterday as today. It was the easiest landing point for access to Monte di Procida. Probably it was also one of the first places used for the first vine crops, hence the name “Abbasci â vit” (downside the vine).

In addition to this agricultural activity, later and in particular in the 20th century, they also developed the activity of extraction of tuff and pozzolana of which this area was particularly rich. The numerous tunnels present bear witness to this. The pyroclasttite stone used for the cement mixtures, has been widely used by the Romans in the construction of impressive architectural works reached to the present day in an excellent state of conservation. The nearby Piscina Mirabilis of Bacoli, is an example.


The extraction of the pozzolana took place along the coast in order to be able to be easily embarked, through wharves, on small sailing ships. The need to transport the pozzolana prompted some enterprising citizens to equip themselves with small boats, the “balancelle”, with which the building material was transported to Naples, the islands of the Gulf and along the Tyrrhenian Sea. The enterprising citizens of Monte di Procida thus gave rise to the shipowning activity that would become one of the main cornerstones of the country’s economy.