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13/03/2021 21:43


Typical festivals , monte di procida , nostoi ,







Nostoì is the cultural path initiated by the Administration of Monte di Procida to enhance and protect the landscape, traditions, art and knowledge linked to the sea and its people. The sea is the soul and root of the Phlegraean municipality, which gave birth to sailors and shipowners, still appreciated internationally today. Even in the name and in its morphology of the Monte di Procida promontory, the dualism of an "island on the mainland" has always existed, in a continuous and eternal oscillation between going back and forth. The panorama of Ischia - Pithecusa, Cuma and Procida projects today's traveler in the footsteps of yesterday's travelers. The port of Miseno and its "Monte Cumano", which dominated the only sea route of the ancient rowing ships, allowed the Cumaean Republic to conquer the monopoly of the metal trade. On the Torrefumo cliff the deposits of the eruptions testify to the profound changes in the topography of the Flegrean places (from the Greek Flégo - ardo), thus becoming the “Breccia museum” in the early 1900s. A territory with a splendid landscape, contaminated by myths and stories of the sea and of travel, whose identity and uniqueness represent cultural elements to be disseminated and enhanced: consistently with the policies implemented by the regional, national and European authorities, this is the general objective that Nostoi , as a cultural event and experiential path, aims to reach, for a greater awareness of the value of places by those who live in the Phlegraean area and for a dissemination of knowledge of the territory beyond geographical borders. The artistic-cultural narration and the communication of the themes is completed and strengthened thanks to the suggestion of the places of the event: the marina of Acquamorta with the beach, with the "museum breach", with the islet of San Martino, the fishermen's dock which are tinged with red-orange in the vaunted sunset and then the Torrefumo promenade with a view of the cliff, Capo Miseno, the Sorrento coast and the islands of the gulf. For more information visit the official website:
