Ncopp' i ccase
The first district, Casevecchie, which includes an area called Corricella, like the homonymous in Procida, can be considered the place of the origins of our community, its deep and special link with the island of Procida. According to some scholars, it all began in the 9th century, when the inhabitants of the Misenate countryside, for safety reasons, had to move and find a safer place. Some moved out of the territory, others to Monte di Procida and others to Procida. The place chosen at Monte di Procida, in addition to being in the highest part, also had a natural harbour and represented an important way of communication, especially with the sister community of Procida, that in that period became part of the Misenate territory belonging to the Church of Naples.
They created a subsistence economy based on agriculture and fishing, so today the district retains two characteristics: the area of Gaveta (upper part), an agricultural area, and the area of Corricella, a small road that joined the Mout to the natural port, a seafaring area.
Casevecchie (old houses), located in the northern area of Monte di Procida, is the whole area that extends from Via Filomarino, Corricella, Piazza Sant'Antonio, Quartiere Marunnella, to include Via Inferno and Gaveta. This neighborhood was named by the first settlers who saw there some remains of ancient Roman villas. Here was born the first living nucleus inside a monastery in the medieval period. It had a natural landing on the islet of San Martino, so the farmers who worked under the monastery also had contacts with the other community that had moved to Procida. To note is that the street and the area of this district, called Corricella, remember, in the urban structure and architecture, the homologous and much celebrated cove of Procida.
These two communities began trade by sea as well as cultural exchanges; the dialects remained similar and so did the lifestyle. The sea is a bridge to the two communities. Sea that was sailed by the typical boat: the goiter, a wooden boat of light and capacious structure that, thanks to the Latin sail, moved using the winds. The seafaring activity became the main activity for which the need to improve the boats was born; therefore, they started to invest the first capitals in the manufacture of larger goiters.
When the man was engaged in maritime activity and during the periods of long absence of the head of the family, it was the woman who took care of the fields and the economic aspect of the family. This shows a figure of a woman who is very strong and capable of making every kind of commitment.